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Events Happening at Jackson Foundation

Jackson Foundation

Jackson Foundation North Row, St Just, Cornwall, TR19 7LB.

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Jackson Foundation

The Jackson Foundation is a unique, ambitious and award-winning art-space celebrating and championing arts and the natural world.

Housed within a massive ex-industrial building in the centre of the thriving former mining town of St Just-in-Penwith, the Foundation was set up by leading contemporary artist Kurt Jackson and his wife Caroline and hosts an annual programme of quality contemporary exhibitions working in partnership with a variety of environmental and non profit organisations.

This exciting and versatile world class art gallery is free to the public, bridging the gap between public and private art centres and is the ideal venue to view Kurt Jackson’s varied and eclectic range of artistic expression spanning painting, poetry, sculpture, installation and film.
Run by husband and wife Fynn and Zinzi Tucker, this environmentally focused art space is a green built sustainably managed carbon-positive concern. Powered by an array of high efficiency solar panels and ground-source heat pumps, the Foundation goes further by delivering paintings within Cornwall by one of its two zero-emission fully electric cars.
Providing local employment, raising awareness and funds for groups working to protect the environment and giving back to a community that has been home to the to the Jackson Family for nearly thirty years, the Foundation works to become a positive force for change.

The Jackson Foundation aims to provide a space, open to one and all, to reflect on our symbiotic relationship with the natural world, and the rewards to be found by taking a step back and looking around; to see the world through Kurt Jackson’s eyes.

categories Art

KURT JACKSON Valency Valley

Sat 31st Aug, 2024 — Sat 22nd Feb, 2025

Jackson Foundation, Tin Coast